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We are an international restaurant in the center of the city
DiscoverOur Story
The story of Leau De Café is inspired by the cultures and traditions of Paris and was made by authentic
Qatari hands by integrating French dishes with international dishes, and providing a service distinct and
unique from any other service or outlets offered in the Middle East.
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Crunchy tempura sushi كرنشي سوشي
sushi roll stuffed with breaded shrimps and avocado cheese , topped with crunchy crab stick . Serve with soya sauce ,ginger pickels and wasabi paste
لفائف السوشي محشوة بالروبيان المخبوز وجبنة الأفوكادو ومغطاة بعصا السلطعون المقرمشة. يقدم مع صلصة الصويا ومخللات الزنجبيل ومعجون الواسابي